Gmail is Going Nuts!

Posted by KariVM Friday, April 2, 2010 2:09 AM
Have you logged on to your Gmail account lately? I was just about to log in to a Gmail account I use for my home-bound hobbies when I was stopped dead in my tracks. The Gmail login page looked as if it was written in txt language! wch mns tht th txt lkd lkd ths:

Gmail Login Page

Of course I kind of panicked. Thoughts that my internet browser was hijacked, or that Gmail or Google (gasp!) was hijacked by Chinese hackers in retaliation to Google's imminent China pullout (a whole big backstory to that) or both were starting to brew in my head.

(While thinking of these scenarios I was kicking myself in the head for not checking out login pages more often whenever I log in to sites... what if I have been victimized by a fake log-in page? What if all the contents of the my gardening group emails and secret recipes fan list have been compromised? Another mental sticky note gets stuck to my more cautious of your surroundings, be it in the real world or the web... )

Anyway, back to my story, i checked out the Gmail blog just to be sure. It turns out that Gmail is suffering from a "vowel outage". Err..what? Earlier in the day Gmail reported a failure in one of their front-end web servers which resulted in a failure to render the letter 'a', which then lead to subsequent failures in other datacenters servers. To prevent the rendering failure from spreading to other datacenters, Gmail tried to limit the damage to the letters a,e,i,o,u. Thus the missing vowels. or "vowel outage" found only on the left side of the Gmail login page (and not on the actual login panel on the right, mind you).

Now that's just a perfect April Fools coming from the Google family, don't you think?

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